You’ve never made a mistake, right? We certainly never have. It’s a pretty big deal, however, when those mistakes result in lost sales and wasted leads. Especially if those mistakes were avoidable! Here are deal-busting sales mistakes you should avoid at all costs.
#1 Selling to the Wrong Customer
#2 Selling the Wrong Product
#3 Failing to Provide any Proof or Metrics
#4 Failing to Show the Difference
#5 Underpricing Your Product
#6 Convincing and Defending as Opposed to Listening
#7 Failing to Proactively Answer Questions
#8 Failing to Follow Up On Time
#9 Being Unprepared
#10 Not Closing the Sale
#11 Going Off Topic and Not Thoroughly Researching your Customer and their Industry
For Management #12: Not Equipping Your Staff with the Tools and Software they Need to Prosper in their Work Environments.
Purchasing the proper software and tools (i.e., CRM Tool) is not an easy process, especially when you have over a dozen vendors to choose from.
Think of selecting the right CRM tool like purchasing a garden hose. If you go to a home hardware store, you will notice that there over a dozen types of garden hoses to choose from. There are vinyl and rubber ones and hoses on wheels. There are also hoses made by Flexogen, Teknor and Craftsmen. Unless you are a professional contractor or gardener, you more than likely won’t know the difference and which one will best suit you.
Similarly, there are dozens of CRM applications on the market today. Unless you are a software/tech wiz, you will not be able to proactively tell the difference between each of them and what competitive advantage each has to offer.
What is CRM? A CRM tool is a database that keeps record of all interactions your staff have with the people and companies you do business with. A comprehensive CRM database ensures that nothing falls through the crack and that you stay on top of your deadlines and tasks day in and day out.
Carmel Vision offers an affordable, all-encompassing on-premise CRM tool (InfoFlo) for all business, regardless of their competitiveness or size. All interested parties are welcome to download a free trial version of our CRM application. No credit cards and long term commitments are required. Click here to download.