Tips for Soliciting Authentic Testimonials
Testimonials are powerful and cost effective selling tools you can use as marketing arsenal. They will prove that you are legit. Your prospective clients will be much more inclined to do business with you if you can show examples of their peers achieving success with your help.
Here are ten questions you can ask your customers to get meaningful, authentic testimonials for your business’ products or services:
1. What made you to choose my business to assist you with your needs?
2. What were your preconceived notions about using our products/services?
3. How has you perception changed since you hired me/bought my product/service?
4. What do you like most about working with me/using the product/service?
5. Did you expect it would work as well as it did?
6. Did you have any objections/hesitations before you decide to hire us? If so, what were they? How did we overcome your hesitation?
7. What are the three biggest benefits of working with us?
8. If you were to recommend me to a colleague, friend, or business associate, how would you describe the way I provided my service to you?
9. Is there anything else you’d like to add that I haven’t yet asked about?
10. Can I share this information on our website?
If you don’t have any client testimonials on your site, it’s not too late to go out and solicit your customers for some. Use some or all of the questions noted above to increase the trust visitors have in your services and products and increase your sales dramatically!
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