This week, Google unveiled the Mobilegeddon update which is expected to change the way the search engine will recommend websites on smartphones and tablets. This shift is a;sp expected to sway millions of people and how they shop, eat and find information.
Websites that don’t fit the criteria will be deranked from Google’s search results, while those meeting the criteria will be more likely to appear at the first pages of Google- a goal that can translate into more conversions and sales.
Aaron Brindle, a spokesperson for Google, stated that they are making available a number of tools to help small businesses know if they’re mobile friendly or not, and how to make the switch. Brindle also stated that if a page with high quality content is not mobile friendly, it could still rank high if it strongly relates to the search query. You can find such tools on Google Webmaster Tools.
The statistics support the change. In a study done in 2014 by Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield and Byers called Internet Trends Report, the mobile market is growing exponentially and is over taking the number of desktop computers inside homes. Internet advertising has risen from $62 billion to $116 billion from 2008 to 2014. At least 30 per cent of Internet visits are from mobile phones. Industry experts also argue that by 2016 mobile phones will account for more than half of all Internet traffic.
The fear of being “dethroned” by the Mobilegeddon encouraged thousands of webmasters to take action and make their sites mobile accessible. Upon the unveiling of Mobilegeddon on Tuesday, Google reported an uptick of 4.7% of sites that are now mobile friendly compared to two months ago. I was a bit shocked to learn that the number was only 4.7%, but I guess Google’s index of web pages is pretty large. There is also probably a huge number of web pages that are not being maintained, but currently are in the process of being resolved.
InfoFlo, a leader in the CRM Software industry, has embraced the changes Google unveiled this week is in full compliance. In the Fall of 2014, it redesigned it’s website and ensured that it is accessible to mobile browsers and mobile audiences. To download a free trial of Customer Relationship Management software click here. If you would like to learn more information about Mobilegeddon, do not hesitate to contact us.
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